Rich results in Google's SERP when searching 'COVID disparities'

Talking about politics is something I do not do often on my blog. In fact, I love keeping my content lighthearted. Though as I’ve matured and progressed through college and life, my outlook has matured too. Thus, I think I’m gonna start writing about heavier topics more often (but you’ll still see some lightheartedness and humor, don’t worry).

Now about the title. I know it sounds incredibly heavy. But you know what? There’s some stuff that needs to be said. From here downwards, read at your own risk.

As the Omicron virus spreads (and really over the last few months), I have noticed pandemic fatigue from people across the board. There’s so many people that think that just because they’re vaccinated, they don’t need to wear a mask anymore. And that, my friends, is a bag of bullocks. Even when I wrote an article last December about COVID vaccine concerns being valid (though my mind on the matter has since changed), I stated that you should still wear a mask even if you’re vaccinated. How many people have fulfilled that? Some, but not all.

I’ve noticed that some of the biggest hypocrites on this matter have been celebrities. Y’all remember the time numerous celebs told us to “wear a mask and stay at home?” Well, it’s obvious that they never truly followed their advice from the beginning. Many of them stay flying in private jets, throwing parties, going to theme parks (Universal Studios and Disneyland, ehh?), and not always wearing masks in public. In fact, I was first inspired to write this article when I saw photos of actress Chloe Bridges having her wedding in Mexico. And there were no masks, barely any social distancing, plus the fact that she, Adam Devine, and their families went out of the country when the Omicron variant is spreading rapidly. Look at these posts and y’all be the judge.

To make matters worse, I saw another post of hers from a few months back going to a (crowded) baseball game with no masks. Read the caption to this post.


Here’s the caption in case the post doesn’t appear on your side: “We went to a stadium! With no masks! And no we don’t know these people behind us but we’re buddies now anyway cause it’s a vaxxed lifestyle baby!”

Not my Dana Turner being oblivious to the fact that COVID still spreads even when vaccinated. Girl…

Those who’ve watched Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam will get the reference, but the thing is that not only can the virus spread regardless of vaccination status, you also can’t assume one’s vaccination status. Many of the folks that don’t wear a mask don’t get vaccinated, and so many that contract COVID don’t find out until after they test positive. What gets me the most is when people preach “wear a mask” and “get vaccinated” but end up spreading it anyway due to a time when they didn’t wear their masks. How can you tell others to do those things when you spread it yourself? 

It doesn’t matter if it’s unintentional. Lack of awareness kills and has killed too many people over the last two years. The virus does not impact everyone the same. The healthcare system does not treat everyone the same, and by choosing to go mask less, you are at risk of spreading a virus that disproportionately affects BIPOC communities and disabled folks. Shall I tell you my ex-sorority was guilty of this? We were outside for a small recruitment event, and I was the only one who wore a mask the whole time. Double-masked at that. Several girls tested positive. And while I did not, it was “bye Felicia” afterwards due to that + recognizing that NPC sororities never had Black womens’ best interests at heart.

I have distrust for performative activists due to behaviors like that. They’re some of the same folks that share infographics and have “BLM” in their bios but go on vacation or to theme parks maskless, not knowing the privilege that they have. Tell me. If Black lives matter, why go mask less without thinking about how the virus has disproportionately affected Black communities? If you care about disabled people, why go maskless without thinking about how the virus has disproportionately affected them? If all lives matter, then why not consider cancelling that trip or party to not spread it to those who are high-risk? Not thinking about what you’re doing by going maskless is a privilege, and I don’t think a lot of White liberals understand that (though White folks are not the only ones guilty of it, they’re the biggest perpetrators of it). That’s not anti-racism or progressive. That is racist and regressive. Let’s not ignore the fact that it causes potential for involuntary manslaughter.

Even after being vaccinated, I continue to wear a mask. Even after getting a booster shot, I STILL continue to wear a mask. Because above all, it’s the right thing to do. I remain conscious about the disparities not just in the U.S., but in other nations. And seeing people travel out of the country like everything’s okay reminds me of how selfishness has no limits. Going back to Chloe real quick, I understand having a burning desire to hold a wedding. However, why not privately get married in a courthouse with a very small party and hold off on a big wedding until after the pandemic? I’m not sure if that came to her mind, but it shows that no matter how hard they try, celebrities are not in tune with us, and we are not all in this together. (“We’re all in this together” has seriously become the “All Lives Matter” of the pandemic.)

Not when the past two years have shown us how egotistical Americans can be. Not when vaccine inequity is alive in well on a global stage. Not when performative activism has shown that even folks with “good intentions” are ultimately all about themselves and don’t critically think about issues outside of social media. I have a passport and can’t wait to get out of the country for the first time, but traveling abroad can wait. Even traveling domestically right now is a gamble.

I know that some travel to get back home and what not, but traveling around and throwing big gatherings is not a smart thing to do right now. To be able to do those things without thinking about the risks, without having second thoughts, and without having strict precautions in place has allowed this pandemic to continue and show that all lives really do not matter in this country (and world for that matter). Not everyone can have big gatherings. Many more can’t leave their home countries for a vacation. And there are folks that can’t do things without weighing the risks, without using safety strategies, and without questioning the safety of different activities, high-risk or otherwise. Many folks around the world do not have access to vaccines, and traveling without considering that is a big “yikes.”

I may be tired of the pandemic, but it is not over just because we’re tired of it. It is not over just because cases decline. We could’ve been out of this by now, but the selfishness of Americans has kept that from happening. Being asked to protect yourself and others is not an intrusion of freedom. It is, however, an intrusion of freedom when you don’t think that the health of others is valuable. And besides, masks are nothing new. For decades, people in countries like Japan have worn masks for various reasons. The pushback against masks in the name of freedom is simply egotistical and individualist. Precautions have been taken for pandemics throughout human history and rules are in-place for a reason. The concept of “freedom” has been widely appropriated by so-called “patriots” as an excuse for their recklessness.

I could go on and on about this subject, but let’s leave it at this. Actions always mean something. In terms of privilege, we don’t start and stop at the same place. Race, class, ability, age, native language, and many more affect one’s standing in the U.S. and the rest of the world. We see this among commoners. The pandemic fatigue is alive and well, but celebrities should also be held accountable for their actions. Not just Chloe Bridges, but the Kardashians/Jenners, TikTok influencers (looking at you, Charli d’Amelio), and even our own faves as well. There are many examples on Instagram, but you can Google ‘celebs breaking COVID protocols’ for a short list. 

Healthcare workers are going through so much, and the way to thank them is not to simply say ‘thank you’ whilst continuing to throw big parties. Absolutely get vaccinated (having access to them is a privilege), but also continue to social distance and wear a mask. After all, with the lack of hospital beds, doing your part keeps a bit of strain off of them (and your money). That vacation you want to take to France or Walt Disney World can wait. Your life cannot.

Featured image credits: GoodStudio (