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I first heard part of this song in an Amazon commercial. After thinking how good it sounded, I had high expectations when it came to listening to “Rain On Me” in full. I haven’t written many music reviews, but I plan on doing so more often. And I wanted to kick off writing a longer chain of them by reviewing Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande’s “Rain On Me”. I’m excited to give my take on it, so let me start off by talking about the positives of this duet.

The Good: In all honesty, the whole song was very, very good. The beat is infectious, the voices flow, and the whole thing just blends in together. I love how Ariana’s and Gaga’s voices overlap with the break after the chorus. I’m not into today’s pop songs (please take me back to the early 2010s), but I wouldn’t mind hearing this song more often. In fact, one aspect that I have to give props to is the lyrics. Lines like “I’d rather be dry, but at least I’m alive” and “At least I showed up, you showed me nothing at all” are really inspiring. The former actually applies to this current time we’re living in. The lyrical content is not what you hear on every popular song. I read that this song is about pushing through hard times. I believe that more songs need inspiring lyrics in general. Not just right now, but in the future as well and regardless of situation.

The Bad: There’s not much of any bad to this song. One thing I think is that it could hit even harder with speakers. Not a bad thing, but just a thought. Or when being at a party or in a car, “Rain On Me” would hit harder then too. I don’t know if I’d play it much on my own due to not listening to today’s artists.

The Ugly: Not truly an ugly, but this may be Gaga’s best song in years. I like her. Gosh, I even bought her Joanne album. However, this song is better than that entire album combined. And I did listen to “Stupid Love”, but it didn’t sound good to me. I rarely listen to the radio anymore. However, “Rain On Me” is a current song I will definitely remember.

Final Verdict: In conclusion, I actually love this song. Again, I’m not a huge fan of today’s pop music, but Gaga and Ariana did well here. There are trash songs that have been popular in the last few years (think “Old Town Road”). This, on the other hand, is something different. While it did peak at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, I can tolerate and even bop to this song in the car. Although, “Rain On Me” is currently at #9 as we speak. Regardless, the lyrical content and meaning is very clever.

Lady Gaga’s Chromatica album is now available to stream or buy. I don’t know if I’ll listen to it. I feel like the songs on the album may not be good. I might listen to it just because I like her and I could definitely write more music reviews on this blog. I don’t review just any song or album, so it’s actually a compliment if I write about a particular song, album, or artist.

Overall Rating: 9/10